語常會英語大聯盟—Language Lab




今天,英國語文及職業英語科邀請了語常會的外籍老師為中一至中三的學生舉辦了製作紙玩偶及英語故事閱讀活動 --- “Language Lab”。活動中,學生閱讀了一個以寬恕和分享為主題的故事,並親手用紙卡及毛冷條製作了紙玩偶,此外,學生更完成了一些讀後活動,學生都樂在其中。現在就讓我們一起看看活動的相片吧!




Today, the KS3 students had a fun reading activity “Language Lab” with the teachers from SCOLAR. The teachers told a story about forgiveness and sharing. After reading the story, the students made the character puppets using picture cards and pipe cleaners. They also played some story-based games such as “says who” and “story bag”. Let’s take a look of the photos!


The English Language and Vocational English Department